Tuesday 17 January 2017


In the past we've heard of CARNAL BOYCOTT cases but this recent case just amazed me. Kenya opposition party let by female politician, Mishi Mboko just pulled up a trick in motion that could turn out very realistic. she is bringing up opinions that is tagged, " No voters card, no sex for men in Kenya".
Kenya also recorded similar act In 2009, Kenyan women launched a week-long sex strike in order to protest infighting in the then government, forced political leaders to work together for the common good of its masses.

This motion is driven to have male citizens of Kenya register for voters card in regards for August presidiential election. she relates her motive that rate of citizen without voters card is about 4 to 6 million count,sex was a powerful mortivator to achieve this.  If this wholesome amount could register for election it would be a turn around move to beat the Govt. of President Uhuru Kenyatta on election day.

We really hope this pays off. in the past, we've hard similar cases of CARNAL BOYCOTTS  in seeking to effect change;
* 2002 Liberian Nobel Peace Prize winner Leymah Gbowee, she organised a sex strike in a bid to halt the war in her country.
* Belgian women called for a sex strike, boycotts to force politicians to form a government in 2011, and Colombian women.
* 2006 staged a strike “of crossed legs” to press gangsters to give up their guns.
* In 2014 a group of Ukrainian women started a campaign called “Don’t give it to a Russian,” this was boycotted to protest the annexation of Crimea.

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