Tuesday 24 January 2017


Photo published for Gag me: Trump's anti-abortion executive orderIt obviously a problem or not, President Donald Trump isn’t taking a glance erasing what he feels not rightly placed from the previous government. President Donald Trump reinstated a controversial rule that blocks foreign aid for family planning services. This is Known as the "Global Gag Rule."
Global Gag Rule was established in 1984 by President Ronald Reagan, the global gag rule has since become a political football that has been repeatedly rescinded and revived depending on which party controls the White House in a certain government.
This bill has recently been nixed and re-instated by different political government ranging from the Democratic and Republican presidents.
Federal funding for international programs that provide abortions would not be able to provide funds to non-governmental organizations that provide referrals or counseling for abortion services, or advocate for the same. NGOs that provide abortions — except in the case of rape, or life endangerment — would also be ineligible for aid according to the principles of Global Gag Rule.
Trump reinstatement of this law is aimed as part of  broad effort to undermine reproductive rights at home and abroad. However, critics presumed, reducing women's access to contraceptives and safe abortions, the measure could hamper HIV prevention efforts abroad and force health clinics in developing countries to close their doors of same practice.
Pro-life groups, on the other hand, applauded the rule's return. Carol Tobias, president of National Right to Life, relates facts that showed a majority of Americans did not support the use of tax dollars for abortion services. Whatever it may lead its perceived being a good idea for reinstating this law.

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