Friday 27 January 2017


Here is a haunt, lets save one of our endangered rarer species bird and get paid in the process. A New Zealand charity has offered $3,638 which is about N1.1 million as reward to anyone who sights a South Island ‘kokako’ bird.

The kokako bird are two species of endangered slate-grey with wattles and black mask forest birds, "the North Island kokako and the almost extinct South Island kokako", endemic to New Zealand.
The distinctive South Island kokako has a orange  wattle   under its neck,usually rampant  in the forests of the South and Stewart Islands. This bird had been listed as extinct before the year 2013; it was sorted again as ‘data deficient’ and more information was gathered on it. This bird is regarded to be the rarest on the planet.
The decision of the charity on the reward was made recently in order to encourage people to help them look for this bird. This isn't just a hunt, interested persons,Bird lovers, pet keepers, hunters and every other person that have had the opportunity to see or hear the bird are encouraged to register on the website of the trust. No photo of the bird exists thus, the one released by the trust is a cloned modification of the north island kokako, just to help people know what the south island bird looks like.

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