Sunday 29 January 2017


Nigeria as a country has immeasurable count of death this January 2017, occurring from automobile road accident, communal clashes, insurgencies attack, gangs attack and more... this statistic showed great counts.

Reaching reports, an ambush occurred  yesterday 28, January along Maiduguri-Damboa-Biu road between old Nigerian Telecommunications (NITEL) mast called Dogon Wire and deserted Bullabulin village leaving scores dead. Some Boko Haram terrorists laid ambush on the road, innocent masses were caught in the cross fire between suspected boko haram terrorists and the Nigerian Military.
According to report quotes by a driver Mallam Aliyu Yau, he claims that he managed to escape with some of his passengers but several others went out of luck lucky. Most of the passengers killed and injured were not maimed by Boko Haram sect, but by military escorts who opened fire on fleeing passengers into the bush, mistaking them as escaping terrorists.
However, the ascertain the number of those killed could not be counted as I managed to escape with my passengers. But I learnt that scores of people were killed or injured,” eye witness expressed.

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